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  • Writer's pictureBishop Keith Butler

Work Hard

Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase. (Proverbs 13:11)

How we gain the wealth matters. Solomon, one of the wealthiest men to ever live, wrote with wisdom, encouraging us to consider the ethical and moral ways we increase our assets.

The world’s system is constantly tempting people to pursue quick riches, usually through sinful or hurtful ways. The truth is, gaining money that way will end up being hollow and what you gain will quickly leave you. Wealth that comes from deceit, exploitation, or shortcuts will end up hurting you in the end.

On the opposite side, Solomon wrote of the virtue of working hard. Those who work hard and put forth the effort and energy should expect increase and abundance.

Real wealth goes beyond just having material possessions and financial abundance. It means being fulfilled, having health, emotional well-being, and enjoying good relationships with others. When we work hard in our different fields with passion, we are not just gaining finances; we are cultivating character.

Practical Application

Can you honestly say each day after work that you put effort and energy into the tasks that you are accomplishing? God wants us to do our job as unto Him. That means we should be able to be proud of the work we have accomplished and the energy we have put into it. Ask yourself every day, “Did I do my work as unto the Lord, or just good enough to get by?”

Psalm 127:2; Jeremiah 17:11

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