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Writer's picture: Bishop Keith ButlerBishop Keith Butler

The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. (Proverbs 18:10)

Imagine you find yourself in a dangerous situation. Someone is attacking you, and you are on the run. Where will you go? A police station? A friend's house that you know can protect you? A family member’s home? In ancient times, people would run to a strong tower, a place of refuge and protection, especially during attacks.

This wisdom verse illustrates that the name of the Lord is as powerful as strong towers. His name is safe, secure, and mighty. As righteous individuals, we are protected when we trust in, declare, and invoke His name.

His name means God’s character, authority, and power. We can call on His name because we know it—not just Jehovah or God. We know His character, power, and authority; when we speak with that revelation, we activate His protection.

Many faithful churches in Ukraine are experiencing this truth. Despite missiles and warfare, these physical churches have been shielded by God's protection. More importantly, the people's hearts are discovering peace and safety in Him. See, running into a strong tower is an intentional act. People are flocking to churches in Ukraine because in times of great distress, they instinctively run to something greater than themselves.

Running to God as our strong tower means recognizing our dependence on Him and our inability to handle situations on our own.

Practical Application

Whether facing personal struggles or witnessing global crises, remember that God's name is a place of safety. Speak His name in prayer, declaring it over your situation.

2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 18:2

Writer's picture: Bishop Keith ButlerBishop Keith Butler

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


What does it mean to trust someone? I envision trust as a child being tossed into the air by her father, who lifts her hands, knowing that although it seems risky, she believes she will be caught. Trusting in the Lord requires a complete surrender of our body, heart, and mind. It involves placing our confidence not in what we see or comprehend but in God’s power and plan.

But God doesn’t ask us to just “kind of” trust Him. The phrase “with all thine heart” signifies an all-encompassing reliance on God. It means trusting with everything within us, every fiber of our being. This trust applies not only to small things but also to challenging circumstances.

The Scripture says, “Lean not unto thine own understanding.” Human understanding is finite and flawed. I will never know enough to consistently make good decisions based on my human perception. Our perspective is limited by what we can see, feel, and comprehend. Trusting in God means abandoning our logic and reasoning and embracing His.

Acknowledge Him in all thy ways means inviting God into every aspect of our lives—our decisions, actions, and paths. Giving Him a place in all areas of our lives is an act of worship.

When we live this way, God promises to direct our paths. This doesn’t mean life will be free of challenges, but it does mean that God will guide us through them. He has a path and a plan to prosper us and not harm us if we trust Him.

Practical Application

Before making any decision, whether big or small, you should acknowledge God and pray for His wisdom and guidance. This can be as simple as saying, “Lord, I invite You into this moment. Please guide my steps and show me Your wisdom in this.” Trust Him, and He will guide you.

1 Chronicles 28:9; Proverbs 16:3

Writer's picture: Bishop Keith ButlerBishop Keith Butler

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:3-4)


It’s easy to label people as “evil,” but the truth is that most of the so-called "evil” individuals you consider in the world are spiritually blind and lost.

God desires that all men be saved (sozo) and come to the knowledge (epignosis) of the truth. Sozo means more than just salvation from hell; it refers to being healed, delivered, protected, and made whole. God’s plan of salvation provides spiritual, mental, and physical needs. The phrase come unto the knowledge of the truth or epignosis in Greek means more than intellectual understanding. The Greek word epignosis refers to full recognition—a deep, personal, and experiential knowledge of God’s truth.

When we pray for people in authority, we are called to pray for both intellectual

understanding and a deep, personal experience with God on their behalf, regardless of our personal preferences about the individual. That means we pray for them to be protected, healed, whole, and delivered from any schemes or plots the enemy may bring against them.

We also pray for their epignosis. We pray that they will gain wisdom, receive wise counsel, and develop a deep understanding of God's will and what He has conveyed in His Word.

Practical Application

 Intercede daily for governmental leaders, church leaders, and other authority figures. Pray for their sozo and epignosis so they may have wisdom, protection, and God’s favor.

Ezekiel 18:23; 2 Peter 3:9


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