Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. (Isaiah 55:7-8)
The mind is a battlefield. You will be bombarded with thoughts from the enemy, and you must combat them with thoughts from the Lord. The above verse from the prophet Isaiah explains that God desires repentance from those who have walked away and into unrighteousness. Repentance is not simply being sorry, but it involves a complete change of mind and heart, leading to a transformation of your actions. Where are your thoughts coming from? Are you thinking of God’s thoughts or the enemy’s?
I get up every morning and worship the Lord, yet even in those moments, a negative thought will often pop into my head. I recognize that it is the enemy. The enemy will try to get you to question God and think unrighteous thoughts. You must combat the thoughts of the enemy with the thoughts of God.
God promises that if we make a point to repent and change our thinking, God will have mercy and abundantly pardon. What a powerful promise of compassion from God! He is full of mercy and compassion and desires us to win the battle of the mind. That’s why He finished the verse with, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways.” God knows better than we think we do. Your mind is not on God’s level. When you are faced with difficult situations or questions, remember that God’s thoughts and ways are always better than the best-laid plans of man.
Practical Application
As you pray today, ask the Lord to help you think His thoughts. Reject the thoughts of the enemy and accept the mind of Christ. When you make plans, always submit them to the Lord first. His thoughts and ways are better than yours.