Bishop Keith Butler

Mar 2, 2021

Recognize, Heed, and Obey

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14)

I am grateful that I was raised in a strong two-parent household. My father was a hard worker who taught me respect, perseverance, and honor. Early on, I learned to recognize my father's voice, heed it, and obey it. When daddy called, you'd better believe that the kids in our house responded.

As a child of God, you should be familiar with your Father's voice. When God, the Almighty Father, calls you, you should recognize his voice, heed it, and obey it!

“But I don’t know how to hear from God,” I’ve had many people tell me over the years. The Bible tells us otherwise. Romans 8:14 says that those who are children (or sons) of God would be led by the Spirit of God. The Bible wouldn't tell us to be led by the Holy Spirit unless it was possible – and it is. The Spirit doesn't usually speak with a natural voice the way my biological father did. However, I learned my father's voice because I started hearing it while I was in my mother's womb. I became very familiar with his voice because I spent time around him. One of the best ways to become sensitive to the Spirit's voice is to spend time in God's Word. God's Word is God speaking to you. As you get more and more of the Word into you, you will be able to recognize the Holy Spirit better as He leads and guides you because the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one in purpose. They speak the same things and desire the same outcomes.

We are so blessed to live in this age! The Old Testament saints couldn't be led by the Spirit the way we can today. They were spiritually dead. They couldn't worship God in spirit and truth. But today, as New Testament believers, we can worship God in spirit and truth, and He leads us by His Spirit.

Practical Application – Learn to listen to the Holy Spirit inside of your spirit. Spend time in God’s Word to help you recognize His voice. Then heed and obey!

1 John 2:20; Proverbs 20:27