Bishop Keith Butler

Oct 26, 2020

Grace to the Humble

But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. (James 4:6)

Imagine you are at a friend’s house for dinner. They are serving your favorite food and sides.

They load your plate up till you are pretty sure nothing else could fit; then as you are eating, they come by and fill up your plate some more. That is the picture James gave us when he wrote that God giveth more grace.

God has already given you grace, favor, and power, but He isn't finished. For the rest of your life, God desires to heap on more favor and more power so that you will continually increase in every way.

Did you notice the word wherefore in James 4:6? It means for this reason. So, because God plans to give you more favor and more power, you need to understand the following truth: “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”

Pride disrupts God’s plan to increase you in favor and power. Pride focuses on one’s own ability and fails to look toward God for the answer. For this reason, God resists the prideful heart. The Greek word for resists means that God opposes and turns against those with a prideful attitude. You don’t ever want to be in opposition with God.

On the contrary, someone with a humble, servant’s heart is guaranteed to receive favor and power from God. If you want to be able to walk out the vision that God has given you, decide to serve others. Your servant’s heart will put you in a position to receive more and more grace.

Practical Application – Ask God to open your eyes to who you can serve today with a humble heart. Is it a co-worker, a boss, a family member, or a loved one? You will open the door for greater grace to show up when you humbly serve others.